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Injectable Treatments

Botox Procedure

How It Works

Whilst the face is in motion the lines that appear are known as dynamic wrinkles, however, repeated movement over time forms deeper lines and folds known as static wrinkles. Anti-Wrinkle Injectables work to prevent the formation of static wrinkles by stopping the signal between the nerve and muscle. The decreased movement in the muscle places less stress on the skin helping you maintain a fresh and youthful appearance.

This treatment is most effective when used as a preventative measure. It can take anywhere from 2- 7 days for you to see a difference, with the full effect visible after two weeks. Something to consider when you’re timing your treatment for a special occasion or event.

Side Effects

Potential side effects:

Mild swelling at or around the injection site

Mild tenderness or bruising at or around the injection site

Tiny red dots at the injection site

A mild headache, depending on the treatment area

Depending on the sensitivity of your skin and any medications (like aspirin, ibuprofen, and other blood thinners) you may be taking, there is the chance of temporary, minor side effects.

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